With 3CX, callers never get a busy signal, and each phone number can point to as many or as few phones as you want. Our phones are location independent, so someone calling your main number can make a phone ring at both your office and another location at the same time. Also, everyone in your company can use the same outbound Caller ID, or each person can have their own direct number. Traditional phone lines will eventually be remembered as a thing of the past.
For an initial greeting, missed calls or maybe after hours, an auto-attendant can answer calls for you. In fact, callers can be directed however you wish. They can be provided with transfer options, emergency instructions, or sent to a designated voicemail. With 3CX, callers will never hit a dead end.
When a call comes in to your work number, you can have it sent anywhere you like – to your cell, to your home line, or even to a colleague. Believe it or not we have an app for your smartphone that you can use anywhere.
24/7 call recording for no additional cost. Full time and system-wide recordings are useful for monitoring service quality, preserving important discussions, and can even be used to protect the company from legal liability. (And if you’d prefer not to record calls, this feature can be disabled.)
Access your voicemail online, on our mobile app, or through your email inbox. You can listen to messages, forward them, delete them, and manage everything in one spot. Voicemail doesn’t have to be aggravating, and with 3CX, it isn’t.
Listen to voicemails, review recordings and look at call logs, set up call forwarding, and manage your speed dials from our online interface. If making programming changes isn’t your thing. You can call or email our outstanding support staff and we will do any system administration for you.
Add Live Chat & Talk to your WordPress Website with 3CX
3CX Live Chat & Talk offers free live chat and phone call functionality to website visitors via WebRTC and 3CX.
3CX Live Chat & Talk is different from other live chat plugins – besides offering free live chat functionality for your website – it allows website visitors to talk as well as chat. Connect visitors to your call center or sales team and watch conversion rates skyrocket! Calls are forwarded to your phone system free of charge using WebRTC technology.
- Free live chat for unlimited users, without any monthly subscriptions.
- Site visitors can talk to you for free without having to install additional applications, drivers, controls, or dial long numbers.
- Visitors can communicate via chat and elevate the chat to an audio or video call, free of charge via WebRTC.
- Your agents can handle many calls on their PCs or mobile devices with the free 3CX Android and iOS apps.
- Desktop notifications will inform you when a new live chat or call occurs.
- Configure an offline message mode when no users/agents are online to handle incoming calls and chats.
- An easy-to-use, customizable interface enables integration with your web site.
Built-in Data Security:
- Request visitors to optionally provide their name and email to initiate a chat.
- Authorization, Anti-Spam, and Throttling mechanisms secure communication and limit the number of incoming unauthorized chats to 3CX.

Learn how these features can unify your communications and contact us today!
Contact Infinity DataTel

Phone: (480) 493-5999
Address: 530 E McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
High-quality VoIP service doesn’t need to come with a high price. Infinity DataTel offers services that don’t break the bank every month. With expert service staff offering exceptional customer care, competitive pricing, and current technology, Infinity DataTel makes choosing a suitable service option right for you.
Voice over Internet Protocol is a cost-effective method of answering your phone needs. While phone companies often charge additional fees for services like multiple lines and call waiting, these features are generally included in the cost of using VoIP.
– Infinity DataTel has the technology and staff to allow your company to begin enjoying the benefits of VoIP service immediately. Ready to find out how we can help your company lower its monthly costs and improve phone service? Contact us now!